Nine |
Astral Spell |
Crushing Hand |
Gate |
Imprisonment |
Meteor Swarm |
Monster Summoning VII |
Power Word Kill |
Prismatic Sphere |
Shape Change |
Temporal Stasis |
Time Stop |
Wish |
Level Value of Monsters | Number Affected | Chance per
Week to Break Enchantment |
Level 1 | 2d4 | 5% |
Level 2 | 1d4 | 10% |
Level 3 | 1d2 | 15% |
Level 4 | 1 |
25% |
Level 5 | 1 |
35% |
Level 6 | 1 |
45% |
Level 7 | 1 |
60% |
Level 8 | 1 |
75% |
Level 9+ | 1 |
90% |
Intelligence |
to Break Charm |
19+ | one saving throw per day |
18 |
one saving throw per 2 days |
17 |
one saving throw per 3 days |
15-16 |
one saving throw per week |
13-14 |
one saving throw per 2 weeks |
10-12 |
one saving throw per 3 weeks |
7-9 |
one saving
throw per month |
4-6 |
one saving
throw per 2 months |
3 or less |
one saving throw per 3 months |
Number of fundamental metaphysical contradictions (selected by the caster) | Likelihood that the knowledge is available at this level of metaphysical abstraction | Likelihood that the interpretation of the information gleans the wrong result | Chance of insanity (reduced by 5% per point of intelligence over 15) |
1 |
60% | 35% | 5% |
2 |
65% | 33% | 10% |
3 |
70% | 30% | 15% |
4 |
75% | 27% | 20% |
5 |
80% | 25% | 25% |
6 |
85% | 22% | 30% |
7 |
90% | 19% | 35% |
8 |
95% | 15% | 40% |
9 |
98% | 10% |
50% |
Caster Level | ||||||
1-2 | 3-5 | 6-8 | 9-11 | 12-14 | 15+ | Familiar |
01-05 | 01-05 | 01-06 | 01-06 | 01-07 | 01-07 | Special |
06-25 | 06-25 | 07-29 | 07-29 | 08-33 | 08-33 | Cat |
26-35 | 26-36 | 30-40 | 30-41 | 34-45 | 34-46 | Hawk |
36-45 | 37-47 | 41-51 | 42-53 | 46-57 | 47-59 | Owl |
46-55 | 48-58 | 52-62 | 54-65 | 58-69 | 60-72 | Raven |
56-65 | 59-69 | 63-73 | 66-77 | 70-81 | 73-85 | Toad |
66-75 | 70-80 | 74-84 | 78-89 | 82-93 | 86-98 | Weasel |
76-00 | 81-00 | 85-00 | 90-00 | 94-00 | 99-00 | None |
Intelligence | Time Required to Escape |
2 or less | 2d4 turns (20-80 minutes) |
3-5 | 1d4 turns (10-40 minutes) |
6-8 | 5d4 rounds (5-20 minutes) |
9-11 | 4d4 rounds (4-16 minutes) |
12-14 |
3d4 rounds (3-12 minutes) |
15-17 | 2d4 rounds (2-8 minutes) |
18+ | d4 rounds (1-4 minutes) |
Roll |
Monster Summoned |
1 |
Rat, giant |
2 |
Goblin (dwarf) |
3 |
Hobgoblin (elf) |
4 |
Kobold (halfling) |
5 |
Orc (gnome) |
6 |
Kullule (badger, giant) |
Roll |
Monster Summoned |
1 |
Centipede, giant |
2 |
Devil, lemure |
3 |
Gnoll |
4 |
Stirge |
5 |
Toad, giant |
6 |
Troglodyte |
Roll |
Monster Summoned |
1 |
Beetle, giant boring |
2 |
Bugbear |
3 |
Gelatinous Cube |
4 |
Ghoul |
5 |
Lizard, giant |
6 |
Lycanthrope (wererat) |
7 |
Ogre |
8 |
Spider, huge |
9 |
Spider, large |
10 |
Weasel, giant |
Roll |
Monster Summoned |
1 |
Blink dog |
2 |
Gargoyle |
3 |
Ghast |
4 |
Hell hound |
5 |
Hydra, 5 headed |
6 |
Lycanthrope (werewolf) |
7 |
Owlbear |
8 |
Shadow |
9 |
Snake, giant constrictor |
10 |
Grey ooze |
Roll |
Monster Summoned |
1 |
Cockatrice |
2 |
Doppelgänger |
3 |
Hydra, 7 headed |
4 |
Lycanthrope (wereboar) |
5 |
Minotaur |
6 |
Snake, giant poisonous |
Roll |
Monster Summoned |
1 |
Devil, Erinyes |
2 |
Hydra, 8 headed |
3 |
Manticore |
4 |
Ogre Mage |
5 |
Rakshasa |
6 |
Troll |
7 |
Wight |
8 |
Wraith |
9 |
Wyvern |
10 |
Lycanthrope (weretiger) |
d20 Roll | Monster Summoned |
1 |
Chimęra |
2 |
Demon (Class A) |
3 |
Demon (Class B) |
4 |
Demon (Class C) |
5 |
Demon, succubus |
6 |
Devil, barbed |
7 |
Devil, bone |
8 |
Ettin |
9 |
Giant, fire |
10 |
Giant, frost |
11 |
Giant, hill |
12 |
Giant, stone |
13 |
Gorgon |
14 |
Hydra, 10 headed |
15 |
Lizard, fire |
16 |
Mummy |
17 |
Night hag |
18 |
Roper |
19 |
Slug, giant |
20 |
Spectre |
Colour | Order | Effect | Negated by |
Red | 1st | Stops nonmagical ranged weapons Deals 20 points of damage (saving throw for half damage) |
Cone of Cold |
Orange | 2nd | Stops magical ranged weapons Deals 40 points of damage (saving throw for half) |
Gust of Wind |
Yellow | 3rd | Stops poisons, gases, and
petrifaction Deals 80 points of damage (saving throw for half) |
Disintegrate |
Green | 4th | Stops breath weapons Poison (saving throw or die) |
Passwall |
Blue | 5th | Stops divination and mental
attacks Turns to stone (saving throw negates) |
Magic Missile |
Indigo | 6th | Stops all spells Causes insanity (saving throw negates) |
Continual Light |
Violet | 7th | Force shield (as per wall of
force) Creatures sent to another plane (saving throw negates) |
Dispel Magic |
Arcane Reincarnation Table | |
Die Roll | New Incarnation |
01-03 | Bugbear |
04-06 | Dwarf |
07-14 | Elf |
15-17 | Gnoll |
18-25 | Gnome |
26-28 | Goblin |
29-36 | Half-elf |
37-39 | Halfling |
40-42 | Half-orc |
43-45 | Hobgoblin |
46-85 | Human |
86-88 | Kobold |
89-91 | Orc |
92-94 | Ogre |
95-97 | Ogre Mage |
98-00 | Troll |
Hit Dice of Victim | Number Affected |
1 or less | 4d4 |
1+ to 2 | 2d4 |
2+ to 3 | 1d4 |
3+ to 4 | 1d2 |
4+1 to 4+4 | 0 or 1 (d2-1) |
Symbol of Death | Creatures with hit points totalling not more than 80 are slain |
Symbol of Discord | All creatures in the area begin arguing with one another. Those that do not share the same alignment have a 50% chance of actually fighting one another. The duration of the effect is 5d4 rounds, but if a fight breaks out, the duration is reduced to 2d4 rounds. |
Symbol of Fear | As per fear spell, but save at –4 |
Symbol of Hopelessness | Creatures that fail to save vs spells are affected by deep depression for 3d4 turns. Each round during this period they act randomly, not acting at all (25%), or walking away from the symbol (75%), even if this means breaking off from combat. Such creatures will submit to any demand made by an enemy or ally, including a command to surrender |
Symbol of Insanity | Creatures with total hit points of not more than 120 are affected by lunacy, acting per the random actions described in the confusion spell. The effect is permanent (or until removed by magical means) |
Symbol of Pain | Any creature triggering the symbol is subjected to horrible pain, losing 2 points of dexterity and gaining a penalty of –4 on all to-hit rolls for a period of 2d10 turns |
Symbol of Sleep | This symbol causes any creature of 8+1 HD or less to fall into an enchanted slumber; it is impossible to awaken the victims for 4d4+1 turns |
Symbol of Stunning | Creatures with a total of 160 or fewer hit points are stunned for 3d4 rounds, dropping whatever they are holding |
Familiarity | On Target | Off Target | Similar Area |
Mishap |
Very familiar | 01–97 | 98–99 | 100 | -- |
Studied carefully | 01–94 | 95–97 | 98–99 | 100 |
Seen casually | 01–88 | 89–94 | 95–96 | 97–100 |
Viewed once | 01–76 | 77–88 | 89–90 | 99–100 |
False destination | (1d20+80) | -- |
81–92 | 93–100 |